The Story

Jake Huinker came to us looking for a front yard that would match the design of his brand new build. He wanted his yard to stand out and be functional for him.

The Goals of this Project were:

  • Add landscaping to give a finished look to this new build
  • Create steps to the front porch from the driveway area
  • Bring design elements into the

We came up with a digital design based on some ideas Jake had shared with Tony during their first consultation together and the rest was history!

Read on to see the before and afters of this project!

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How it Started

Jake was open to letting Tony work his magic and design him a yard that didn't disappoint.

Tony started with a blank slate with Jakes yard and used digital designs to show Jake what was possible!

The Digital Design

This was the digital design that we brought to Jake and he instantly knew this was the yard he needed!

Tony and crew hit the ground running and brought this yard to life!

The Process

Like all our projects we started with the perfect foundation built to last.

We were able to bring together a Unilock walkway with Rosetta Stone steps to bring top-level design and functionality to Jake's front yard and complement his new home.

The end result really made this yard pop and complete this home!

Keep scrolling to see the entire process in photos!

The Process From Start To Finish

Ready To Bring Your Dream Yard To Life?

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